Please refer to the Confirmation of Booking Receipt for facility (“Facility”) and rental details (“Rental”).

By booking a meeting room you are entering an agreement with Innovation Studio LLC, a non-profit organization of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In consideration of the terms and conditions listed below, the parties agree as follows:

  1. FACILITY. Innovation Studio LLC rents to the Client the area(s) of the Facility as described in the Confirmation of Booking Receipt. This Agreement does not convey possessory interest or tenancy of any kind to the Client.
  2. DATE and TERM. The date and hours of the Rental are set forth in the Confirmation of Booking.   
  3. RENTAL FEE. The Rental fee is the amount paid to Innovation Studio LLC at the time of booking.   
  4. OCCUPANCY. Occupancy of the Facility will be limited to the number of persons set forth by Innovation Studio LLC and in compliance with legal occupancy limits.  Legal occupancy of the Facility may not be exceeded under any circumstances. Exits may not be blocked at any time.
  5. FACILITY USE. Client shall only use the room(s) identified in the Confirmation of Booking, connected hallways, restrooms and no other spaces. 

Terms of Facility Use: 

a. The Facility is a smoke-free building; smoking is allowed only in designated outdoor smoking areas.

b. Meeting/Event rooms are provided to the clients “as is” in a standard configuration. Clients are responsible for their own setup of the meeting room. 

c. All equipment and rental deliveries must be scheduled with Innovation Studio LLC’s Event Coordinator at least 7 days prior to the Rental. Deliveries may take place no sooner than 24 hours before the Rental and must be removed within 24 hours after the conclusion of the Rental. Any packages arriving more than 24 hours before the Rental or removed more than 24 hours after the Rental are subject to a storage charge in relation to the number and size of the packages. Room set-up and breakdown must take place during the time periods set forth in the Confirmation of Booking.

d. Client is responsible for all property belonging to Client’s guests, employees, agents, and contractors. At the conclusion of the Rental, Client is responsible for dismantling and removing all rental-related materials and equipment and supplies brought into the Facility. Client must place all refuse in the designated trash receptacles. Any property left in the Facility will be disposed of by Innovation Studio LLC. Any cost associated with the disposal of Client’s property will be billed to the Client with an additional removal fee. 

e. Any use of the Facility beyond the scheduled time (including allocated set-up and breakdown time) will be billed at the hourly rate.

f. Client shall not nail, screw, tape or otherwise attach anything to the walls, ceilings, floors or fixtures of the Facility. Tape, ink or tacks on the tables or chairs are not permitted. Use of permanent markers is not permitted anywhere inside Innovation Studio LLC’s facilities. All signage, banners and decorations and their placement must be approved by Innovation Studio LLC in advance. No signage, banners or decorations may be attached to walls or ceilings or Facility fixtures.

g. The following activities, materials, and equipment are strictly prohibited: fog producing equipment; candles and other open flames; permanent markers; confetti; glitter; helium balloons; pyrotechnics.

h. All electrical cords and equipment cables must be installed so as not to present a hazard and must be in accordance with National Fire Protection Association safety standards and all fire codes.

i. Only Innovation Studio LLC personnel or its approved vendors may operate heating and air conditioning controls, lighting, audio/visual equipment and other Facility equipment and systems. 

j. On site catering is available at Client’s request. Catering must be coordinated with an Innovation Studio LLC team member at least 7 days prior to the meeting date. The cost of catering is in addition to the Rental Fee and paid by the Client. 

k. Client may bring in outside food and beverages. Coordination of outside food and beverage is the responsibility of the Client. 

l. All outside vendors must provide the Event Coordinator with current licenses and insurance certificates.

6. FACILITY DAMAGES. Immediately following the Rental, Innovation Studio LLC will inspect the space. Client acknowledges liability for any damage to equipment, furnishings, and any other property of Innovation Studio LLC and our Landlords at the Facility and each of our affiliates, employees, officers, agents, board members, or other Clients (collectively “Innovation Studio LLC Parties”) caused by Client, its employees, guests, or affiliated parties, excluding damage due to normal wear and tear. Client agrees to pay the cost to repair or replace (at full replacement cost) the damaged property, at the discretion of Innovation Studio LLC. Innovation Studio LLC may pursue any additional remedies authorized by law to recover its damages or losses. It is recommended that the Client procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense, general liability insurance.

7. RELEASE, INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS. In consideration of the permission granted to use the facility on the date(s) indicated in the Confirmation of Booking, the Client hereby releases and waives all claims for liability against the Innovation Studio LLC Parties in connection with the Client’s use of the Facility. The Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Innovation Studio LLC Parties for loss or damage to property, injury or death to Client and Client’s guests, business invitees, employees, agents, or contractors, which injury may occur in connection with the use of the Facility, whether or not such injury, loss, or damage arises, in whole or in part, from the negligence of the Innovation Studio LLC Parties, as permitted by law.

8. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement is not assignable to any other person or entity.


a. Cancellation terms for Meeting Room Rentals :

i. If notice of cancellation is received more than 7 days prior to the booking, Innovation Studio LLC will provide a refund in the form of a rental credit in the amount paid.

ii. If the notice of cancellation is received within 7 days of the booking, the full booking fee will be non-refundable.

iii. Rental credits will be valid for 6 months and can be used towards any rooms and facility rental at an Innovation Studio LLC operated facility. Any unused portion will be forfeited. 

b. If an unforeseen issue, beyond the parties’ control, occurs that renders the Facility unusable or renders the rental impossible due to destruction or damage to the Facility or by any act or regulation by any governmental body, civil strife, strike, epidemic, war or any other condition determined by Innovation Studio LLC to represent or constitute a threat to the safety of the public, Clients, Innovation Studio LLC personnel, or the Facility, either party shall have the right to cancel or reschedule the rental and there shall be no claim for damages by either party and, in the event of a cancellation only, the Rental Fee will be refunded to Client. An act by a governmental body must be declared before the Client can request a refund or cancellation for that reason. Both Innovation Studio LLC and Client have a responsibility to mitigate losses caused by the cancellation of the Event.

10. RIGHT OF ENTRY AND TERMINATION. Innovation Studio LLC, its officers, agents, and employees shall have the right to enter all areas of the Facility at all times during the Rental to confirm Client’s conformance to this Agreement. If Innovation Studio LLC determines, in its reasonable judgment, that Client has breached a term of this Agreement, Innovation Studio LLC shall have the right to immediately eject any person from the Facility for good cause and to terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of its term and prior to the conclusion of the Rental without any refund to Client. Client waives any claim for damages resulting from such exercise of Innovation Studio LLC’s rights hereunder.

11. CONFORMANCE WITH THE LAW. Client agrees that it and its guests, employees, agents, and contractors will abide by, and it will conduct its Rental in accordance with the Innovation Studio LLC Facility Use Terms and all laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances, including, without limitation, those relating to occupancy levels, alcohol consumption, entertainment, and noise. Client shall not engage in or allow any illegal activity to occur at the Facility. Client assumes full responsibility for all actions of its guests, employees, agents, and contractors. The Rental shall be supervised by Client during the entire period of Client’s use of the Facility. 

12. AUTHORIZATION. Client represents that the person booking on its behalf is authorized to make agreements and bind Client to this Agreement. 

13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes any previous agreements, understandings, or agreement of the parties, whether oral or written, concerning the subject matter of this Agreement. 

14. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced under the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, without regard to its choice of law rules.